Magnet was 1st discovered in ancient Asia Minor. The word ‘magnet’ is derived from ‘magnesia’. In ancient times, the Greek had seen a certain stone possessing the properties of attracting small pieces of iron, the stone was typically black. Chemically it consisted of iron oxide (Fe3O4 ) called ‘magnetite’. The ore ‘magnetite’ is called magnet because it has the property of attracting iron. The property of magnet by virtue of which it can attract a piece of iron is called magnetism. When this stone is suspended freely, it sets itself pointing north and south directions. This is the directive property of magnet. Ancient Chinese used this property to guide their ships in oceans. So this stone was named as “lode stone” or “leading stone”. Nowadays many artificial magnets are made from iron or steel.
A magnet has a property of attracting small pieces towards it. When a bar magnet is dipped inside iron fillings, it is found that the ends of this magnet attract more iron fillings than the middle part of it. So, it is clear that in middle part, attraction is poor where as part close to two ends has maximum attractive property.
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