Thursday, September 15, 2011

physical phenomenon

“Physics” is derived from a Greek word ‘physis’ which means ‘nature’. Thus Physics is a branch of science which deals with the study of natural phenomenon. Therefore, it was also known as natural philosophy which would study the entire natural science including Astronomy and Chemistry. Nowadays, Physics means only that branch of science which deals with the properties of matter, energy and relationship between them. It is the most basic science.
Physics is not only wide but it is also an interesting and exciting subject. The ranges of mass, length and time concerned with this subject are very large. It is amazingly interesting that in spite of this complex and wide range of these phenomenon, many of these can be explained forming a few basic laws and principles. Although a large number of parameters are associated with a complex physical phenomenon, many of them are less important to explain the phenomenon under study. Thus because of physics, it becomes possible to uncover the hidden simplicity within a complex phenomenon of nature.

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